I will be analysing Akon’s official website; page is clearly layered out with a mixture of different I will be analysing Akon’s official website; page is clearly layered out with a mixture of different images, videos, latest update and many more. The background contains two large images of Akon on white and the heading is in red and white on black. These mixtures of different colours attract the viewer’s attention as well as the fans. Also the images and the type of font on the page are there to ensure that the audiences are engaged and entertained. On the right hand side of the page, there is a video especially created for the fans to watch which keeps them updated on their star. On the right hand side, there also is a link to Akon’s twits this enables audience to communicate with the star. In the centre of the webpage there is a large image of Akon used in an advert form to attract the viewers and also it is a way to sell the artist image. The advert enables audience to join a fan club and get ‘closer’ to the artist. Underneath the advert, there are music videos that feature Akon this is also another way to sell the artist. Another reason why these videos are placed on the front page is so that Akon’s other music videos are also viewed.
In my opinion the target audience for Akon’s webpage would be his fans and people who are interested in that genre of music. The estimated age for the fans would be 10-25+ and these people are drawn to the website through the artist name, images, live performance and albums. Having other things such as, live performances and interviews on the website appeals to all type of people. Below is the link to the official website: akononline.com/
Websites is one of the ways in which the artists get across to their fans however, there are also many other social networking sites where fans can get updates on their artist. Akon has twitter, MySpace and Facebook where the fans get a chance to communicate with him. twitter.com/akon , http://www.myspace.com/akon and http://www.facebook.com/AKON
Duresh x
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